Volunteer Questionnaire Please take the first step in applying below. We look forward to meeting you! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Mailing Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Borough (or city and state if outside NYC) How did you hear about us? * Are you registered with GoPass? * Yes No If not, would you be willing to register for a GoPass? * GoPass is a fingerprint and background check system that screens volunteers working with vulnerable populations and provides access to volunteering with other NYC organizations) Yes No Which volunteering areas interest you most? * Portfolio must be provided*. Samples must be provided**. Working with students in classrooms Fundraising / Events Photography* Book Design* Videography / Editing* Writing for the newsletter** Please indicate if you speak any other languages and at what level * (ie.g. Spanish, intermediate) Please indicate if you have any teaching experience (Specify subjects/grades) Thank you!